Wednesday, May 6, 2020

European Journal of Special Needs Education

Question: Understanding how health and social care services and system support individuals and intervention strategies that support individual with specific need? Answer: Introduction: Task 1 of this assignment discusses the concept of health, illness, disability of several individual within the setting of health and social care services. This assignment also discusses the changing perception of individual in accordance with different types of disability within the individual people. This section of this assignment has also discussed the social policy, legislation related to the individual demand within the health and social care services. Analyzing the concept of health, illness, disability and behavior within health and social care services: Health refers to the state of social, mental and physical well being of an individual person.[1] Health can be referred as the effective wellbeing of an individual in order to perform daily activities and duties or responsibilities of daily life and work of the individual. According to the definition of World Health Organization, health is a state of physical, mental and social well being without any disease or illness in the physical and mental state of the individual. [2] On the other hand, illness refers to the certain disorder of a person that often makes him/her physically as well as mentally impaired for long and short term of his/her life. An ill person becomes very much dependent to other persons while doing any work or taking any action. [3] As per the definitions of some popular dictionary, illness refers to a sudden unhealthy and specific condition of a person within his/her body or mind. The condition of illness often prevents s the body of a human being from the regular routine activity of the daily life. [4] According to the Disability Discrimination Act, disability refers to mental and physical impairment that has a substantial as well as negative impact on the day-to-day duties and responsibilities of a human being. On the other hand, disability can be referred as an umbrella term of impairments, limited activity, restrictive participation etc. Impairment can be referred as a problem within the structure and function of the body of a human being. Limited activity of a human being can be considered as a difficulty of an individual in order to perform a particular action or task. [5] On the other hand, the problem of participation restriction refers to the problem of involvement within a particular situation of life. Therefore, disability is a not a health problem it can be considered as a critical as well as complex phenomenon of life. [6]As a complex phenomenon, disability of a person reflects the interaction between the characteristics of the body of a human being or the characteristics of the society where he/she lives. A disable person needs interventions in order to reduce the barriers within the social and environmental context. [7] On the other hand, it can be stated that, disability can be a part of human condition of every human being of society. Every human being has faced issue at permanent and temporary basis in some point of his or her life. As an example, every person at the old age has to face difficulty and disability within the regular operation of his or her life. Non-disabled persons often take responsibility to provide care to the disable person. Every person have to face some moral and political and ethical issues in order to provide support and care to the disable person. [8] However, behavioral issues refer to the specific change within the behavior of the people for a certain cause. Behavioral issue often leads to some serious illness and mental illness as well as depression of the people within the normal setting of society and environment. People with different behavioral issue often have become quite and the normal people of the society are often withdrawing them. This type of people also has become very much aggressive and unsocial. Various types of antisocial elements have been increased within the mind of these people who often has been characterized with different behavioral issues. Therefore, the medical model of health and illness has given an outline of the concept of health and illness within the individual people. According to the medical model, it can be analyzed that people go to take medicine at the time of their illness or healthy disability not at the time of wellbeing of their health. Promotion of positive health is very effective as well as useful for developing the healthy wellbeing of the people within the society. Medical model of health and illness therefore focuses upon the pathological processes of uncover the particular problems of health and disability as well as illness of an individual human being. Assessing the process of change within the perception of specific disability of individuals: The health needs are similar within the disable and non-disable people of society like cancer screening, immunization, different tests etc. Disable persons also face some inequalities from the people of the society or the health and social care setting of the society. Within the early days, several disable people have experienced narrow margin of health because of social exclusion and poverty within the society. The disable people also have faced some inequalities in order to use healthcare from many setting of health and social care within the society. [9] They often have faced barriers in order to access the services of health and rehabilitation within much health and social care setting of different regions. There are many developing countries where the level of poverty and inequalities within society is very huge. Therefore, the disable people of this region have faced more dangerous situation in order to use primary as well as necessary clinical activity for their disability. Concept and perception of people are so rigid within this region. Most of the people are filled with superstitions activities regarding disability or other physical and mental illness within the developing countries of the world. [10] On the other hand, it can be stated that, now the perceptions of the people have changed within the society. Disable person have been continuously featured in media. Over the past different channels of media have projected few years many disable person. Media with generic attitude towards the disable person have projected Different sportsperson with disable activity. The report of World Health Organization has shown that approximately 15% people within 1 billion people are overcoming regular days with disability. In the case of United Kingdom, one people among 10 are lived with disability in health. [11] The report of World Health Organization has suggested that disable people within the society often face problem with poor health outcome, low achievement of education. They often face problem regarding huge level of dependency and restricted participation within different perspective of the society. Disable people also have faced issues of low employment rates. They often face less respect from the non-disable people or peer within the employer organization. Disable people often face problem regarding natural or normal life being within the society. The other non-disable person for the sake of society should stop discrimination and inequalities among the disable person. Disable person should be considered as a normal human being within the society. However, disability depends on the cultural, social, economical and historical elements within the society. However, the concept of disability has changed over the time within the society. Treatment of the people within the society has been changed by the development of the time and society. Within the changing phase of today the understanding as well as recognition of different changing nature of disability has become very essential and important in order to develop the changing understanding about the nature of disability among the people of the society. The people and society should focus upon the changing scenario of the disable people within the society. [12] However, the sorrowful image of disabled person has been replaced with the positive focus on equality like other physically able person of the society. The image of disable person is more pity and demands for care as well as dependable to the other able person of their family, friends and other person of the society. Therefore, this pathetic and sorrowful image of disable person has been replaced with a positive and more natural image within the society. An Olympic game has been organized for disable persons. Extensive levels of media coverage about the disable person also help to change the mind of normal people within the society. [13] However, the representation of disable person with various types of coverage of media has been helped to change the mind of the people and the political authority or the government of a particular country. Projections of disabled persons within different films have also helped to project positive impact upon the disable person also. The disable person has been motivated through these types of films. Several types of coverage, news, documentaries, and films have helped to generate positive thoughts and motivation within the person with disability. These elements have also helped to change the same negative thoughts of the other normal people to the disable person of the society. [14] Analyzing the impact of social policy, legislation, society and culture within the specific individual needs of the disable person of health and social care setting: Social role Valorization theory: The individual needs of a disabled person can be analyzed with a theory called Social Role Valorization theory. This theory has discussed the concept of management of human relationship and human service within the society. Major goal or objective of Social Role Valorization theory is to support various types of socially valued roles for the people within the society. Therefore, the relevancy of this theory is for the two types of people within the society. Socially devalued people and who has the tendency to be devalued within the society is being referred to this theory. The disable person can be involved in the socially devalued people according to this theory. This theory has been distinguished the image enhancement program within the socially devalued people of the organization. However, the process of image enhancement can be done within different levels of society; those are as follows: The individual Primary social system of the individual, like family, friends Social system within the intermediate level, like community, neighborhood etc Larger society of the individual, like different groups within society The level of action primarily enhances the image of the people and enhances the personal competencies of the individual person within the society. [15] Inclusion policies for disabled children: It can be stated that, inclusion refers to the provision of free atmosphere of the people with disability within the sector. Inclusion refers to different policies those have emphasized to the universal design of policy-oriented action to the disable person of the society. Inclusion deals with different policy oriented task for the improvement of disable persons within the society.[16] The Council for Disabled Children (CDC) has provided a national forum in order to discuss as well as develop wide variety of practices and policies for providing support to the disable children and young people within the society. CDC has published a policy on inclusion for developing the nature of disabled person within the society. Therefore, the mission statement of this council is to develop the rights of the disabled persons. It also speaks about the nature of people towards the disabled person within the society. The objective of this council is to enable different persons in order to contribute the abilities and potentiality within the disabled person. On the other hand, community care initiatives are most effective and important effort in order to enable as well as enhance more care within the disable person of the society. [17] Equality Law: NHS (National Health Service) of the United Kingdom has also given proper scenario for the equalities within all types of people within the society. This law is considered as the protection of discrimination in spite of disability within the society. Equality Law, 2010 has protected the people from any types of harassment or discrimination because the disability of the people within the society. [18 This task is a review document of understanding the necessity of services and system of individual care. Some intervention strategies have been reviewed in this section. This portion analyzes the appropriate recommendations for Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This disease mainly affects the children. Theories regarding risk management of this disorder and various types of strategies for securing this disorder of individuals have been properly reviewed in this task. Analyzing the necessity of care for Autism Spectrum Disability using the triad of impairments: Asperger syndrome is the most recognized syndrome of Autism disorder. This syndrome affects the brain of the individual and the communication process of the individual. Autism affected individual have average intelligence regarding other people of the society. These people have few speech problems while uttering words to others. [19] On the other hand, it can be stated that, people of asperger syndrome often face difficulties with different organizational skills and co ordination skills with other people. Autism affected individual also have affected by phobias and fears. Tendency of fear is very regular within the daily life of these children. Autism affected individual face difficulties within three main areas of their lives; those are socialization, communication and inflexibility. [20] Communication is very important and essential for sustaining within the daily social life of an individual. Autism affected individual often faces issues in dealing with different person with different mode of communication. Autism affected individual does not understand the meaning of sign language. They often misunderstand the meaning of other people. The tone of voice of autism-affected people is also different from normal people. Therefore, other often misunderstands these persons within the society. Autism affected people also face problems in order to socialize with other in a social function or other type of social gatherings. [21] Analyzing two current systems for supporting the autism affected individual: There are different types of systems those can support the autism affected people within the society. Advocacy and TEACCH can be two important system of support that can be incorporated by people in order to provide support to the autism affected individual. Therefore, the form of advocacy helps to ensure the vulnerable people who can be able to safeguard their rights within the society. Advocate provides legal support to the needy people of the society through providing legal support to the individual. Symptoms of autism mainly prevent the communication of those individuals to other persons around them within the framework of the society. Autism is a developmental disease as the person grows the symptoms increase. Therefore, an advocate can help the autism-affected individual in order to express the thoughts of the individual. The advocate can also help to interpret the process of information regarding the rights of the affected individual. [22] On the other hand, it can be stated that, TEACCH can be one of the important system in order to support the autism affected individual. TEACCH means Treatment Education of Autism and related Communication Handicapped Children. The services of this association help to co-operate with different autism affected people. This service also helps to maintain an effective communication with this autism affected individual. Different types of Clinical services of TEACCH provides diagnostic evaluations, process of training and parent support groups, individual counseling, intervention groups etc. [23] TEACCH has developed different types of intervention approach for autism-affected people. Different types of teaching methods and communication methods are required for the autism-affected individual. Motivation can be the most important task for providing learning to the autism-affected individual. Different categories pictures, other types of illustrations those help the individuals in order to understand the actual or proper meaning of others within the same framework of society should teach an autistic child. Academic skills must be broken down in small segments. [24] Evaluating services for autism in my workplace and choice of therapies for supporting the individual: My workplace is Hackney Day Centre; it seeks to provide commitment to the individuals who are affected by autism spectrum disorder. This centre aims to support the individuals with person-centered approach. The program of this centre is to provide the process of skill building with various types of evidence based clinical practices and approaches for providing support to rectify the symptoms of autism. This centre seeks to provide person centered approach to every individual who is autism affected individual. Person centered approach means that every individual gets individual care in accordance with the necessity, demand and wishes. Person centered approach can be the best strategy to evaluate the communication and interaction problems of individual. The staffs of this center are very helpful. They always take care of every autistic patient with gentle care and co-operation. They try to maintain an effective framework of communication as per the requirements of the patients within the health care setting. This centre also seeks to provide special care for the children who are affected by the symptoms of autism. This centre takes many actions for bringing back the confidence of the patient. [25] In my school, there were different sessions for the autism-affected children. Children with autism could be able to attend special class of behavioral management. In the place of work of mine, I always have worked for the disable persons. I have found that, social interaction is the only solution in order to support the disabilities of autism-affected individual. Social interaction and effective communication are very essential to co ordinate with different autism-affected persons within the work place. [26] Explaining the approaches and interventions for supporting the individuals when necessary: However,self-help is the important and essential approach to overcome the symptoms of autism in certain level. Effective process of training and development can help to overcome the particular problems of Autistic patients. The users of training service can be helpful for overcoming the problem situation of autistic individual. A Mental Capacity Act can provide effective protection for the Autism affected individual. Mental Capacity Act 2005 provides the framework for protecting the people by providing effective decisions. Mental Capacity Act provides assessment to the people in order to take effective decisions on behalf of their mental illness or disabilities. Mental Capacity Act 2005 provides safeguard on behalf of the mental illness and mental impairments. Therefore it can be stated that, an effective multidisciplinary team can help the autistic patients in order to help the disable persons in order to make effective decisions regarding their mental illness and related elements. A multidisciplinary team can be very effective for taking proper decisions regarding a major operation of an autistic patient. The autistic patient cannot be able to take their own decisions as because they have no capacity to make their own choice. Therefore, multidisciplinary team can co-operate and co ordinate with the autistic patient to be able to take effective choice for their clinical operation. [27] On the other hand, it can be stated that, there are different types of bio medical treatments those can help to secure the autistic patients. Bio medical do not always refers to the process of intervention to the patients.[28] The term bio medical refers to the glutamine injections, chelating therapy and other types of bio medical treatments are associated with the process of treatment. However it can be stated that, speech and language therapy is also effective as well as important techniques for overcoming the problems of autistic patients. Autistic patients should get additional and special care of speech and language delivery of those autism-affected people. Source of communication problem should be overcome by the therapy of speech and language. Language therapy also helps to promote effective techniques of speech and language for the autistic children. [29] The behavior of the autistic patients should also be enhanced by the speech and language therapy. Therefore, the speech development process should also enhance the behavioral problem of the child. This particular type of therapy of language and speech can increase enthusiasm among the children. Autistic children have the tendency to repeat a word for three times. Therefore, spoken and written language development is very required and essential for the development of health and mental condition of the autistic child. [30] Evaluating the process of biomedical, language and speech therapy: Speech and language therapy are very essential for developing the child with the symptoms of autism. Therefore, the treatments of autism should be done with the effective process of communication. Effective communication is very effective for dealing with autism and the patients of autism. Therefore, the bio medical treatments: like some medicine, proper diet is very essential for developing the behavior of the students. The effective process of interaction and communication should clarify the challenging behavior of the patients. [31] Discussing the impact of technological development in order to support autism affected individual: Technological development is one of the important phenomenons for developing the condition of autistic patients. Various types of technological improvements help the patients to develop the present condition of the patient. Therefore, the technological implication is very important as well as essential for developing the current state of the social and health are setting of different regions. [32]The mental condition of different people should also be changed for doing pleasant behavior to the autistic patients. Medical technology refers to different developed equipments, procedure and some scientific methods. These improved methods of technology can help to evaluate the current state of autistic patients. [33] On the other hand, some other types of technological implications; like email, blog, social networking sites have affected upon the process of developing the work of autistic patients. Different types of communication method are necessary for the autistic patients. Doctors and nurses should learn new skills of communication and interaction with the autistic patients in accordance with the specific needs and demands of the autistic patients within the health and social care setting. [34] Describing the concept of challenging behavior: However, challenging behavior refers to an abnormal behavior that is against normal behavior of the psychological and social framework. Challenging behavior often refers to the behavior of intensity, physical safety, frequency or duration etc. People of challenging behavior often deny getting easy access of the normal framework of society and communal facilities. [35] On the other hand, it can be stated that, an autistic patient often behaves wrongly in accordance with the normal framework of behavior within a society. An autistic patient feels difficulty at the time of communication with other people around them. They have problems in order to utter some words with others. [36]They also face problems with hearing. They often have lacked from different words as they have lack of vocabulary. Communication problem is the most important problem among the autistic patients. This is the challenging behavior within the autistic patients. Analyzing the impact of challenging behavior within a health and social care organization: A health and social care organization needs to support the challenging behavior of autistic patients. The health care organization should provide enough support to the individual in order to behave with normal and regular characteristics. Health care organization should provide support to understand the difficulties of specific areas of different individual. [37]The staffs of the organization should provide effective support to the individual patient. The staffs should maintain effective co-operation and interaction with the patients. Behavioral issues of those patients should be concerned with gentle care and understanding. [38] Describing intervention strategists to deal with challenging behavior: In order to take effective intervention strategies an organization should take cognitive behavior therapy in order to deal with the patients of challenging behavior. This therapy can be done by addressing the process of action and the responses of the patients in accordance with the disease. Cognitive behavior therapy can be delivered through various types of ways. The ways include within the family, individual, group etc. Autistic children often have historical and emotional challenge within the behavioral implications of the child. Therefore, parents should know the process of protecting the child from various types of negative experiences of society. Effective communication plays an important and effective role in order to affect upon the behavioral problem of the autistic children. [39] Reference list Abbott, Lesley, Roy McConkey and Michael Dobbins, 'Key Players In Inclusion: Are We Meeting The Professional Needs Of Learning Support Assistants For Pupils With Complex Needs?' (2011) 26 European Journal of Special Needs Education Angela Di Marsilio, Dario Siniscalco, 'Ethics In Autism Care' (2013) 03 Autism, HOME - Autism Education Trust (2015) Badzek, Laurie et al, 'Ethical, Legal, And Social Issues In The Translation Of Genomics Into Health Care' (2013) 45 Journal of Nursing Scholarship Barnes, Pearl, 'Special Educational Needs: The Key Concepts - By Philip Garner' (2011) 26 Support for Learning Barnes, Pearl, 'Special Educational Needs: The Key Concepts - By Philip Garner' (2011) 26 Support for Learning Baumberg, Ben, 'Understanding Disability Policy' (2013) 28 Disability Society Bazzano, Manu, 'One More Step: From Person-Centered To Eco-Centered Therapy' (2013) 12 Person-Centered Experiential Psychotherapies Bazzano, Manu, 'One More Step: From Person-Centered To Eco-Centered Therapy' (2013) 12 Person-Centered Experiential Psychotherapies Boardman, F., 'Experiential Knowledge Of Disability, Impairment And Illness: The Reproductive Decisions Of Families Genetically At Risk' (2013) 18 Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine Brssow, Harald, 'What Is Health?' (2013) 6 Microbial Biotechnology Cohen, I. Glenn, The Globalization Of Health Care (Oxford University Press, 2013) Dodd, Steven, 'Personalising Public Services: Understanding The Personalisation Narrative' (2013) 28 Disability Society Evans, Ruth and Gill Plumridge, 'Inclusion, Social Networks And Resilience: Strategies, Practices And Outcomes For Disabled Children And Their Families' (2007) 6 Social Policy and Society Fovet, Frederic, 'Mental Illness In The Workplace Psychological Disability Management' [2015] Disability Society Freeman, S. and C. Kasari, 'Parent-Child Interactions In Autism: Characteristics Of Play' (2013) 17 Autism Happ, Francesca, 'International Society For Autism Research News' (2013) 6 Autism Res Hearn, Michael, 'A Guide For Advocates Supporting People With Learning Disabilities Who Are Described As Having Challenging Behaviour' (2010) 4 Adv Mental Hlth Intell Disabil Holdstock, T. Len, 'Towards A Paradigm Shift In The Person-Centered Approach' (2011) 10 Person-Centered Experiential Psychotherapies Hyman, Steven, Autism (Taylor and Francis, 2013) Kirschenbaum, Howard, 'What Is Person-Centered ? A Posthumous Conversation With Carl Rogers On The Development Of The Person-Centered Approach' (2012) 11 Person-Centered Experiential Psychotherapies Kirschenbaum, Howard, 'What Is Person-Centered ? A Posthumous Conversation With Carl Rogers On The Development Of The Person-Centered Approach' (2012) 11 Person-Centered Experiential Psychotherapies Kronenfeld, Jennie J, Social Determinants, Health Disparities And Linkages To Health And Health Care (Emerald, 2013) Lifshitz, Heftziba and Yaacov J. Katz, 'Religious Concepts Among Individuals With Intellectual Disability: A Comparison Between Adolescents And Adults' (2009) 24 European Journal of Special Needs Education Matthews, Helen, 'Policy Implementation In Wales: Current Implications For Welsh People With Learning Disabilities And Complex Mental Health Needs Including Challenging Behaviour' (2007) 1 Adv Mental Hlth Learn Disabil Mulvany, Julie, 'Disability, Impairment Or Illness? The Relevance Of The Social Model Of Disability To The Study Of Mental Disorder' (2000) 22 Sociol Health Illness Nikolaev, Evgeni, 'Person-Centered Medicine And The Sociocultural Approach In Psychotherapy' [2011] ijpcm Nikolaev, Evgeni, 'Person-Centered Medicine And The Sociocultural Approach In Psychotherapy' [2011] ijpcm Noll, S., 'Mental Illness And Learning Disability Since 1850: Finding A Place For Mental Disorder In The United Kingdom' (2006) 19 Social History of Medicine Preston-Shoot, Michael and Judy McKimm, 'Exploring UK Medical And Social Work Students Legal Literacy: Comparisons, Contrasts And Implications' (2013) 21 Health Social Care in the Community Salem, Abdelbaky Arafa, 'The Impact Of Teaching Academic Education Course Of Children With Special Needs In The Ordinary Schools On Students Attitudes Toward Inclusion Of Disabled Children' (2013) 2 JEL Seale, Jane, Melanie Nind and Ben Simmons, 'Transforming Positive Risk-Taking Practices: The Possibilities Of Creativity And Resilience In Learning Disability Contexts' (2013) 15 Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research Shally-Jensen, Michael, Mental Health Care Issues In America (ABC-CLIO, 2013) Stinckens, Nele, Germain Lietaer and Mia Leijssen, 'Working With The Inner Critic: Therapeutic Approach' (2013) 12 Person-Centered Experiential Psychotherapies Tolar, T. D. et al, 'Cognitive Profiles Of Mathematical Problem Solving Learning Disability For Different Definitions Of Disability' [2014] Journal of Learning Disabilities Volkmar, Fred R, Encyclopedia Of Autism Spectrum Disorders (Springer, 2013) Whalen, Karen, 'Working With Incongruence In A Wholebody Focusing Oriented Approach To Psychotherapy: Towards A Mutuality Of Shared Presence' (2013) 12 Person-Centered Experiential Psychotherapies Whalen, Karen, 'Working With Incongruence In A Wholebody Focusing Oriented Approach To Psychotherapy: Towards A Mutuality Of Shared Presence' (2013) 12 Person-Centered Experiential Psychotherapies Young, David C., 'Incongruencing. A Focusing-Oriented Approach' (2013) 12 Person-Centered Experiential Psychotherapies Zeleke *, Seleshi, 'Self Concepts Of Students With Learning Disabilities And Their Normally Achieving Peers: A Review' (2004) 19 European Journal of Special Needs Education Lesley Abbott, Roy McConkey and Michael Dobbins, 'Key Players In Inclusion: Are We Meeting The Professional Needs Of Learning Support Assistants For Pupils With Complex Needs?' (2011) 26European Journal of Special Needs Education. Dario Siniscalco Angela Di Marsilio, 'Ethics In Autism Care' (2013) 03Autism. Laurie Badzek et al, 'Ethical, Legal, And Social Issues In The Translation Of Genomics Into Health Care' (2013) 45Journal of Nursing Scholarship. Pearl Barnes, 'Special Educational Needs: The Key Concepts - By Philip Garner' (2011) 26Support for Learning. Pearl Barnes, 'Special Educational Needs: The Key Concepts - By Philip Garner' (2011) 26Support for Learning. Ben Baumberg, 'Understanding Disability Policy' (2013) 28Disability Society. Manu Bazzano, 'One More Step: From Person-Centered To Eco-Centered Therapy' (2013) 12Person-Centered Experiential Psychotherapies. Manu Bazzano, 'One More Step: From Person-Centered To Eco-Centered Therapy' (2013) 12Person-Centered Experiential Psychotherapies. F. Boardman, 'Experiential Knowledge Of Disability, Impairment And Illness: The Reproductive Decisions Of Families Genetically At Risk' (2013) 18Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine. Harald Brssow, 'What Is Health?' (2013) 6Microbial Biotechnology. I. Glenn Cohen,The Globalization Of Health Care(Oxford University Press, 2013). Steven Dodd, 'Personalising Public Services: Understanding The Personalisation Narrative' (2013) 28Disability Society. Ruth Evans and Gill Plumridge, 'Inclusion, Social Networks And Resilience: Strategies, Practices And Outcomes For Disabled Children And Their Families' (2007) 6Social Policy and Society. Frederic Fovet, 'Mental Illness In The Workplace Psychological Disability Management' [2015]Disability Society. S. Freeman and C. Kasari, 'Parent-Child Interactions In Autism: Characteristics Of Play' (2013) 17Autism. David C. Young, 'Incongruencing. A Focusing-Oriented Approach' (2013) 12Person-Centered Experiential Psychotherapies. Francesca Happ, 'International Society For Autism Research News' (2013) 6Autism Res. Michael Hearn, 'A Guide For Advocates Supporting People With Learning Disabilities Who Are Described As Having Challenging Behaviour' (2010) 4Adv Mental Hlth Intell Disabil.,HOME - Autism Education Trust(2015) T. Len Holdstock, 'Towards A Paradigm Shift In The Person-Centered Approach' (2011) 10Person-Centered Experiential Psychotherapies. Steven Hyman,Autism(Taylor and Francis, 2013). Howard Kirschenbaum, 'What Is Person-Centered? A Posthumous Conversation With Carl Rogers On The Development Of The Person-Centered Approach' (2012) 11Person-Centered Experiential Psychotherapies. Howard Kirschenbaum, 'What Is Person-Centered? A Posthumous Conversation With Carl Rogers On The Development Of The Person-Centered Approach' (2012) 11Person-Centered Experiential Psychotherapies. Jennie J Kronenfeld,Social Determinants, Health Disparities And Linkages To Health And Health Care(Emerald, 2013). Heftziba Lifshitz and Yaacov J. Katz, 'Religious Concepts Among Individuals With Intellectual Disability: A Comparison Between Adolescents And Adults' (2009) 24European Journal of Special Needs Education. Helen Matthews, 'Policy Implementation In Wales: Current Implications For Welsh People With Learning Disabilities And Complex Mental Health Needs Including Challenging Behaviour' (2007) 1Adv Mental Hlth Learn Disabil. Julie Mulvany, 'Disability, Impairment Or Illness? The Relevance Of The Social Model Of Disability To The Study Of Mental Disorder' (2000) 22Sociol Health Illness. Karen Whalen, 'Working With Incongruence In A Wholebody Focusing Oriented Approach To Psychotherapy: Towards A Mutuality Of Shared Presence' (2013) 12Person-Centered Experiential Psychotherapies. Evgeni Nikolaev, 'Person-Centered Medicine And The Sociocultural Approach In Psychotherapy' [2011]ijpcm. Evgeni Nikolaev, 'Person-Centered Medicine And The Sociocultural Approach In Psychotherapy' [2011]ijpcm. S. Noll, 'Mental Illness And Learning Disability Since 1850: Finding A Place For Mental Disorder In The United Kingdom' (2006) 19Social History of Medicine. Seleshi Zeleke *, 'Selfà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Concepts Of Students With Learning Disabilities And Their Normally Achieving Peers: A Review' (2004) 19European Journal of Special Needs Education. Michael Preston-Shoot and Judy McKimm, 'Exploring UK Medical And Social Work Students Legal Literacy: Comparisons, Contrasts And Implications' (2013) 21Health Social Care in the Community. Nele Stinckens, Germain Lietaer and Mia Leijssen, 'Working With The Inner Critic: Therapeutic Approach' (2013) 12Person-Centered Experiential Psychotherapies. Abdelbaky Arafa Salem, 'The Impact Of Teaching Academic Education Course Of Children With Special Needs In The Ordinary Schools On Students Attitudes Toward Inclusion Of Disabled Children' (2013) 2JEL. T. D. Tolar et al, 'Cognitive Profiles Of Mathematical Problem Solving Learning Disability For Different Definitions Of Disability' [2014]Journal of Learning Disabilities. Fred R Volkmar,Encyclopedia Of Autism Spectrum Disorders(Springer, 2013). Jane Seale, Melanie Nind and Ben Simmons, 'Transforming Positive Risk-Taking Practices: The Possibilities Of Creativity And Resilience In Learning Disability Contexts' (2013) 15Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research. Michael Shally-Jensen,Mental Health Care Issues In America(ABC-CLIO, 2013).

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